“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.”

- Bill O’ Brien


Change is uncomfortable. Doing it together makes it easier.

To leave the status quo towards new horizons presents a massive challenge for social systems.
Transformation starts with a clear intention and vision towards the prescribed goal. For the implementation of the initiative to be successful the commitment of all relevant stakeholders is indispensable.

For the design and creation the following three questions act as guiding posts:

Where are we today?
Whats the common goal?
Taking which actions will lead us to this goal?

Last but not least, patience is necessary to change in a sustainable fashion change effort.
Concerning our relationship it is important to initially invest in trust and a certain pragmatic flexibility to reach the working mode of co-creation.


“There is nothing more practical than a good theory”
- Kurt Lewin

A deep understanding of you organisation allows us to set goal-oriented interventions. Through the use of qualitative interviews, focus groups surveys and participant observation I can analyse the social system and in a joint process infer strategic hypothesis for the change undertaking. '
Sharing the same understanding of the hitherto challenges at hand is the goal of diagnostic interventions. Central questions regarding this exploration are:

What is the current strategy?
What are the core processes?
How do we define and live leadership?
How do the members of this organisation feel currently?
What is the relevant environment we need to take into account?

After the diagnostic stage and an understanding of the status quo we can derive requirements towards the change goals along which, we will plan the transformation architecture .

Group Dynamics

Negotiation for power, intimacy, belonging and trust happen constantly.

Looking at teams and organisations through the perspective of group dynamics allows me to focus on these intricacies of social processes.

How do you communicate?
How are conflicts addresses?
What is the taboo that no one talk about?

For the development, training and growth (leadership-) teams experiential or action learning settings will allow you to speak about the relevant and necessary topics and challenges that can further your level of cooperation. We will focus on the how of togetherness, operative questions and work processes are details on the side. Through this solely communicative work we aim to improve the quality of collaboration.


“Leadership will be accepted, when it felt to be useful.”
- Nina Halder-Schüssel

The central task for leaders is the mediation of the organisations plans on the one hand and the desires of workers on the other. They are bound up in two types of loyalties, the belong to management and the teams. To relate those sides into a constructive dialogue and relationship is challenging. Distinct social skills are necessary to meet the requirements of this unique position. It all starts with reflection.

How would I describe our leadership culture?
How do leaders support each other?
What are the subjects our employees really need guidance?
How can we strengthen our organisations capabilities for self-organising?
Wie können Sie Eigeninitiative und Selbstorganisation stärken?

Organisations need leadership, leadership needs organisation.

Helpful Conversations

You carry the solution in you. Through questions I can guide you to uncover it.

After clarifying your goal and vision we will start the explorative journey to your answers.
I offer a helpful conversation, my skill is asking the right questions.

What is your current challenger?
How do you expect me to be helpful?
How would a reality look, where this problem lies in the past?

It’s about you. Only you. Your role, situation and person. I will act as a external body of resonance trying to understand and ponder on solutions.


Certain interactions need structure.

Large-group events, strategy meetings and kick-off events benefit from external moderation. My responsability is to set an agenda with the relevant stakeholders and make sure everyone present is involved. Ending any event next steps are defined, responsibilities clear and a timeline for evaluation set. Furthermore I offer to assist you in the organisation of your event, which allows you to focus on your role as a contributor.

What is the goal of this event? Why do we do it?
What do the participants need in order to be successful?
What message should stay with people after the event?